Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas day

We had or Christmas day. Z’s 2nd. But 1st the really got I think. She was in to what was in side the wrapping paper this year instead of just the wrapping paper. She was funny in that she would un wrap one thing get the toy out then got to the next. But she did not want to let go of the toy she just got. So I would have to hold the item so she could tar off the paper with one hand while holding on to a toy with the other.

Of course the big winners of the day were the trike and rocking dog. She was tired when she got up. Vary sleepy. But the got the trike and rocking dog down fast. Realizing that something was gong on that was cool today. You can see picks at

After all the cool gift giving. We went to the Zoo. It was open, but there was not lots of people there. So it was nice, and all the animals seemed more relaxed. It is a vary good zoon. Maybe the best I have ever been in. the rest of the day Zoe and I slept, then we all had Indian food. It was a good day.

I got a GPS system. I am liking it a lot need to get more maps for it. But it seems fun for now. Also need to go some where to use it…. L got a Atari 2600. she loves it and the iPod.

Well that is all for now.


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