Saturday, January 27, 2007

A time to Blog (work and more)

Ok 1st Work. Well I had a couple interviews this week they were good and one I would have loved to have had. Would have been near the perfect job. Almost hurts that I did not get it. I am sure that if I wanted I would have a new job next week. But my work came back and offered me enough that I have decided to stay. Sure there are problems. But what job dose not have them and now I feel like they are willing to pay me for dealing with them. So I will stay. And I will enjoy it. I work with good people. They know what they are doing.

Working out has been going well. I think I might be loosing wait. It feels like I should be anyway. But The scale at the gym when I when it the 1st time said I was 237 the other day (3rd time I went) it said 227. Now ~L thinks the scales were off when I went in the 1st time but I tent to believe the numbers. Numbers do not lie. So I think I have lots 10 pounds! YAY.

The UU Church. It is still good. We are having fun there. And the writing group is going to start next month.

Getting out. We went to Discovery park today. It was nice. A little cold but not to bad when we got moving. It is a good park. I will blog about it soon and post pics.


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