Well it looks (again) like I have a new job. Just need to pee in a cup. I will be sad to leave this company. Really good people in it. But I think I will look forward to the new one. It is a company in Boulder and I will be moving a classic asp(js) app into .net(c#). It looks like there well be 2 other people on the team. One is a DB person that is already there. The other they are hiring. I am not sure where I will fall in the system. But I think there is a good chance I will be the team lead.
The pay at the job is what I am making now. But without the over head of 1200 a year of bus passes. Also there is insurance and vacation with this job. Vary nice. And I can bike to work.
In theory I start in two weeks. But I will talk to my boss tomorrow here. It might be that he will let me to sooner than 2 weeks. If so. I will start as soon as I can.
On other news. I am going back to get our stuff from Seattle this coming weekend. So ready to go. After that. Get an x-box 360. I hope. Hate to say that, because you know that something will come up to keep me from getting it. Still I am going to really try to be positive. I really want one before Halo 3 comes out. I know I would be happy with one after that. But I think I will feel really let down if I don’t get one before. Stupid. Yes. But….
~Z is doing really well. Need to get more pics up. I don’t have time to tell you all the cool stuff she is doing. But she has started telling us she loves us without us saying it 1st. she has also decided that our bead is way better than hers. ~L is doing well as well. Hates the heat but then so do it. She is going to take a class next month. YAY
It is hot here again. In the high 90’s. but the clouds keep coming over in the afternoon. So that helps. Still wish it was cooler.
Well that is it for now.
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